What To Do When You Feel Stuck

What To Do When You Feel Stuck

Have you ever felt stuck and unsure about what your next steps should be? It's a frustrating and disorienting experience that can leave you feeling lost and hopeless. But what if there was a way to break through that feeling of being stuck and find a path forward? Narrative therapy techniques can help you do just that.

Narrative therapy is a type of therapy that helps you explore the stories that you tell yourself about your life. By examining these stories, you can identify the beliefs, thoughts, and feelings that are holding you back and find new, more empowering stories that can guide you forward. Learn more about Narrative Therapy here.

In this blog post, we'll look at how narrative therapy can help you find your next steps when you're feeling stuck.

1. Identify the problem

The first step in narrative therapy is to identify the problem. What is it that you feel stuck with? It could be a specific situation or a more general feeling of being stuck. Write down your problem and try to be as specific as possible.

For example, you might write down, "I feel stuck in my job and don't know what to do next."

2. Explore the story

The next step is to explore the story that you tell yourself about the problem. This story might include beliefs, thoughts, and feelings that are holding you back. Write down everything that comes to mind about your story.

For example, you might write, "I've been in this job for years, and I'm afraid to leave because I don't know what else I would do. I don't think I have any other skills, and I'm not sure if I can find another job that pays as well."

3. Identify alternative stories

Once you have explored your current story, the next step is to identify alternative stories. These are different ways of looking at the problem that might help you find new solutions. Write down as many alternative stories as you can think of.

For example, you might write, "I have a lot of skills and experience that I could use in a different job. I could start by exploring my options and looking for something that is a better fit for me."

4. Choose a new story

After you have identified several alternative stories, the next step is to choose one that feels most empowering and helpful. This story should provide you with a sense of direction and purpose. Write down your new story and try to be as specific as possible.

For example, you might write, "I am excited to explore new job opportunities that align with my skills and interests. I will take steps to research different career paths and network with people who can help me find my next job."

5. Take action

The final step in narrative therapy is to take action. This means taking steps to make your new story a reality. Identify specific actions that you can take to move forward, and make a plan to take them.

For example, you might plan to update your resume, attend networking events, and set up informational interviews with people who work in fields that interest you.


Feeling stuck can be overwhelming, but narrative therapy techniques can help you find your way forward. By identifying the problem, exploring the story, identifying alternative stories, choosing a new story, and taking action, you can find your next steps and move forward with purpose and confidence. Remember, you are the author of your own story, and you have the power to create the future that you want.

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